Official Government Website

Mock Trial Materials

Codes and Releases

One coach from each team must take responsibility for sharing the Idaho Mock Trial Code of Civility & Ethics and Photo & Video and Activity Participation Releases with everyone associated with the team, including other coaches, team members, courtroom artists, and observers.

Mock trial rules, procedures, and the Idaho Mock Trial Code of Civility & Ethics and Photo & Video and Activity Participation Releases remain in effect throughout the entire competition season. Those who do not follow the rules, procedures, and the Idaho Mock Trial Code of Civility & Ethics and Photo & Video and Activity Participation Releases may be sanctioned up to and including forfeiture or disqualification without a refund of paid fees.

Prior to regional competitions a coach from each team must fill out the online acknowledgement form, indicating your team has read and will abide by the provisions in the Idaho Mock Trial Code of Civility & Ethics and Photo & Video and Activity Participation Releases.

Please download a PDF copy of the Idaho Mock Trial Code of Civility & Ethics and Photo & Video and Activity Participation Releases to distribute to your team.


Note: Link to the online forms below to fill out your Daily Sheets. Once the complete forms are submitted you will receive a link to print out the forms for competition.

Online Defense Daily Sheet

Online Plaintiff Daily Sheet

Time Cards Opening/Closing

Time Cards Direct/Cross

Time Card Use Table

Timekeeping Sheet

Inside the Bar Dispute Form

Outside the Bar Dispute Form

Mock Trial Cases

Access the last five mock trial cases using the links below. Please note that these cases are the intellectual property of the Idaho Law Foundation and any use or reprint must be approved by the Idaho Law Foundation prior to use.

If you are looking for a specific legal topic not covered in the cases below, the Law Related Education Program has many other cases available. Contact Carey Shoufler for more information.

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