Official Government Website

Constitution Day

Constitution Day is a federal observance that recognizes the adoption of the United States Constitution. It is normally observed on September 17, the day in 1787 that delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document. A law establishing the present holiday was created in 2004 and mandates that all publicly funded educational institutions provide educational programming about the Constitution on that day.

Constitution Day Event

Each year, the Idaho Law Foundation’s Law Related Education Program in partnership with Attorneys for Civic Education holds an event. This event is open to Idaho attorneys, teachers, students, and members of the public. Join the Idaho Law Foundation and Attorneys for Civic Education in person or virtually in celebration of Constitution Day as they welcome distinguished attorneys for an in-depth discussion both online and in person.

Constitutional Rights: Balancing History, Liberty, and the Common Good

Recent Supreme Court rulings suggest Constitutional rights are not absolute but determined by looking at historical precedents, public welfare, and individual rights. This legal standard is known as the “Ordered Liberty Test”. The 2023 event explored the origins of Ordered Liberty, how it has been applied, and potential responses to its use in answering important legal questions.

2023 Constitution Day Video
2023 Constitution Day Slides

You Don’t Say: Limits on Speech in the School House, the Work Place, and the Public Square

The First Amendment protects most speech and expression, but it does have its limits. Case law has carefully honed a handful of narrow categories where the courts have drawn the line between protected and unprotected speech and expression. The 2022 event explored these limits on free speech rights.

2022 Constitution Day Video
2022 Constitution Day Slides

Democracy in the Age of Social Media: Civic Discourse, Ethics, and the First Amendment

With the widespread use of social media, misinformation can spread quickly, putting a strain on our institutions and making civic discourse increasingly difficult. The 2021 event explored the Constitution and First Amendment rights in our current communication environment.

2021 Constitution Day Video

Continuing Legal Education Credit

Attorneys who would like to receive Continuing Legal Education credit for any of the Constitution Day events can register to watch the videos on demand at the links below. 1.5 credits (include .5 ethics credit) are available for each video.

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