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Increase Your Impact on Our Community!

Member participation is vital to the success of the Idaho State Bar and Idaho Law Foundation. Lawyers can and do make a difference by participating in one of the many volunteer opportunities available. Whether you volunteer on one of our committees or give your time to a specific event, getting involved in what the Bar and Foundation do for our community is as important as renewing your license! Browse the ways in which you can get involved & increase your impact on the legal community and local community alike!

There are nine active Idaho State Bar Committees & four active Idaho Law Foundation Committees. Select the buttons above to learn more!


Idaho State Bar Board of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners is the elected governing body of the Bar. The Board consists of five commissioners elected from Idaho’s seven judicial districts. Two commissioners are elected from the Fourth District, one represents the First and Second Districts, one the Third and Fifth Districts and one the Sixth and Seventh Districts. Commissioners serve staggered three-year terms.

Idaho Law Foundation Board of Directors

The Idaho Law Foundation is a nonprofit organization committed to serving the public and the legal profession. A thirteen member Board governs the Idaho Law Foundation. Board members come from all parts of Idaho, representing both the legal profession and the communities we serve.

Professional Network

District Bar Associations

The seven District Bar Associations (organized by judicial district) offer a great way to get involved and meet other attorneys practicing in your geographic region. Each association provides social events, public service projects, CLE programs and hosts the annual Idaho State Bar Resolution Meetings.

Sections of the Bar

Practice Sections offer networking opportunities with others who practice and work in a similar area of law. Many sections offer free and/ or reduced-cost CLE programs to their members and provide practice information and resources.

Serving the Public

Idaho High School Mock Trial Competition

Through participation in the Idaho High School Mock Trial Competition, Idaho students are given a hands-on opportunity to examine the legal process and current legal issues, while they develop important critical-thinking, research and presentation skills. Students prepare a hypothetical legal case. Then, in real courtrooms, before real judges, teams try their cases. Attorneys and non-attorney community members serve as coaches, judges and competition support.

Law Related Education

Law Related Education (LRE) focuses on educating students about “real world” issues and emphasizes interactive and engaging techniques such as role-play and simulation, mock trials, moot courts, debate and case study analysis. Already prepared curriculum materials encourage the development of critical thinking, reasoning, decision-making and oral/ written communication skills.

Serving the Community

Pro Bono Service

Through the Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program (IVLP), lawyers can help low-income people in Idaho with their critical legal needs; fulfill their obligation to provide pro bono service; gain experience in various areas of the law; enhance their reputation and provide service to the community.

Bar Exam Grading

In April and September, volunteer lawyers grade the essay portion of the Idaho bar exam. Eight teams of three lawyers each grade all of the responses to the eight essay questions. Grading is held in cities around the state. Grading is an opportunity to network with lawyers from all parts of Idaho while performing an important service for future members of our Bar.


Idaho Academy of Leadership for Lawyers (IALL)

The Idaho Academy of Leadership for Lawyers (IALL) is a selective leadership training program for lawyers from across the state. It brings together some of the best and brightest attorneys in Idaho and teaches them leadership skills they can use to improve the legal profession and transform their communities. IALL’s mission is to promote diversity and inspire the development of leadership within the legal profession.

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